CoverLoad 2.0.0 Released

Big Update

Johan Bassa
Johan Bassa
CoverLoad 2.0.0 Released

Although we loved using the old version, it was time for a facelift. The new interface allows for faster browsing, resizing of the main window, and is more pleasant to use.

CoverLoad 2.0.0 is available for Macs running OS X 10.11 El Capitan or later. If you are running OS X 10.10 Yosemite, you can still download CoverLoad 1.2.4.

We hope you enjoy using the newly designed CoverLoad. Send us an email and let us know what you think.

What We Have Updated in Version 2.0.0

  • Updated the interface
  • Tweaked some stuff under the hood

Download CoverLoad 2.0.0 (685)
SHA-256 checksum for CoverLoad 2.0.0 (685)

Alternatively, install the latest version of CoverLoad with brew install --cask coverload or through MacUpdate.

CoverLoad is free of ads and free of charge. However, to cover the costs for hosting, maintenance, and coffee, we'd deeply appreciate you helping us with a small donation.
