CoverLoad 2.2.1 Released

Mini Update

Johan Bassa
Johan Bassa
CoverLoad 2.2.1 Released

This update fixes a tiny little bug where the scroll bar caused issues whenever we connected a Bluetooth mouse. We haven't received any other bug reports, so there shouldn't be any issues running the app on any Mac running OS X 10.11 El Capitan to macOS 12 Monterey! Or are there? Please don't hesitate and let us know if you stumble upon a bug.

What We Have Updated in Version 2.2.1

  • Fixed an issue with the scroll bar when a mouse is connected

Download CoverLoad 2.2.1 (763)
SHA-256 checksum for CoverLoad 2.2.1 (763)

Alternatively, install the latest version of CoverLoad with brew install --cask coverload or through MacUpdate.

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